Spurred Christisonia
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Spurred Christisonia
ative Photo: Prashant Awale
Common name: Spurred Christisonia • Marathi: भुई नळा Bhui nala
Botanical name: Christisonia calcarata    Family: Orobanchaceae (Broomrape family)
Synonyms: Christisonia lawii, Christisonia stocksii

Spurred Christisonia is a parasitic herb with a simple hairless stem, 10 cm or more tall with a corymb-like raceme at the top. Scales are broadly ovate, blunt; bracteoles absent; flower-stalks 5 cm or more long. Tubular flowers are 4-6 cm long, whitish below with pale bluish limb. Sepals are 1-2 cm long, including 3-4 mm long segments. Stamen filaments are velvet-hairy; anther cells often dimorphic, sterile cells conically spurred. Capsules are 6-9 mm long and about as broad, with persistent sepals; seeds 2.5 mm in diameter. Flowering: July-August.

Identification credit: Prashant Awale Photographed at Prabalgad Fort, Maharashtra.

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